
Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky MaitreyaViatcheslav Petrov-Gladky MaitreyaIf we mention, even lightly, the World Amulet (as a Mantra and a Sound), which seems to hold in its tenacious embrace all Beings, we must also speak of the Birther, the World Mother, whom we call Danit, Kali, Satavera and, finally, death. Yes, it is this frightening “black” image, so disgusting to the life-loving Light, which preserves (or at least seems to preserve, for the time being!) the illusion of the “gift of light”. It has been revealed to the Author in a Mystery (as they say, right in the spirit of the mother) that her gift, her Amulet for humanity’s new millennium, was a skull without cheekbones which so naturally entered everyday life through fashion...  




The subject of MANTRA/AMULET is fundamentally tied to the timely Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky Maitreyacorrection of the well-known ancient Indian symbol OM (or, to be more precise, ternary AUM), which by the end of the century had been malformed, garbled and devalued. The Author (oh, another "sacrilege!"), attributing to himself the copyright for an Omen, would like to make a correction on this page. He assures that AUM is actually not the Sound of the Universe itself but serves as a kind of Spell. Another sound will take the place of the famous „Om Mani Padme Hum” as the Direct Sound. (see "Mantra" painting+text) "Generalized" World Sounds and Spells are there to signify the Space Environment and the situation of the Perfect Spirit. Therefore, personal Amulets seem to be a more effective means of Protection. However, this magical luxury (without true "Diagnostics" of Soul or Spirit) is very rare in our world... Among such Amulets we may also count acts of mystical Body art with a imprint of the Spirit, tattoos of "Power" , dreamscapes and ritual masks – all this, in the proper form of natural truth, leads to a unique individual Call and Response and helps in the procedure of Awakening...  


The "Empire of Maitreya", a teaching expounded, although somewhat messily here, is also a kind of Amulet, a form of spiritual care. The Name of the Teacher and, in general, the Supreme Image projected in consciousness or pronounced in due quality is also powerful. Therefore, the Author suggests, should the current candidate not be completely accepted, prophesying for the benefit of mankind the Omen of the future, handing over the relay of a newly-expected Coming ...


Omen 2090

Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky Maitreya Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky Maitreya Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky Maitreya


Viatcheslav Petrov-Gladky MaitreyaViatcheslav Petrov-Gladky MaitreyaViatcheslav Petrov-Gladky Maitreya